Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I have had quite a few relationships in my life and I can tell you from experience that they are a LOT of work. No relationship is easy, no matter how perfect. When two totally different people come together the explosion between them is insane. Love, Passion, Emotion, New Life. The journey in a relationship will make you feel things and move ways you have only dreamed of.
A couple comes together and has to mesh together, this doesn't always work. But when the stars are aligned and the emotions blend, the relationship works. It's not simple, but in the same sense it is. Kind of like life, the sun, wind, rain, come together to form life.
A relationship uses all the elements and combines them to create a mutual and unconditional love. One bit of advice I can offer, "Honesty is the best policy". Yeah we've all heard it before but if you can't trust your significant other then you can kiss your relationship goodbye.
Fighting is normal and it doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50, you will have arguments about anything and everything. But then again there will be long periods of time that you do not fight. Love should be unconditional, you will go through some of the most amazing times of your life in a relationship.
But remember, If it ends....
You were fine being single before the relationship, and you will be fine after.

"Assumptions are the termites of relationships"

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Such a crazy, fantastic, amazing, and complicated word. How is it that one single word can cause your life to spiral into so many different ways.
Love has no single definition, it is an individuals view that defines love. Personally I think love is like a card game, you really never know what you are going to get. Once you get your cards there are so many options on how to play them. Its the same concept with love, when you fall in love. You have this relationship deeper than anything you have felt before, and how you live and act with this person will determine what direction love takes you.
Love is also complicated, you may want to be with a person so badly its literally hurting you from the inside out, but distance, work, or family could be keeping you from them. So what do you do? Do you fight with your heart and stay with them because you LOVE them? Or do you fight with your mind and try to push yourself away?
The word LOVE itself is being thrown around with no meaning, we all know the difference between the statement "I love you" and "I luv u". Friends love each other, family love each other, and people pretend to love enemies to bring them closer.
If you really and truly LOVE someone you will know, the feeling is remarkable so don't let them go. Because when you are in love... love is in you, this world simply needs more love. =)

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is my first blog ever and I'm not entirely sure how this works.. But I DO know that I feel like writing. If you don't know me then.. Welcome to my life. I am an ordinary person with a life that is anything BUT ordinary. I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and spent most of my life there. At 15 I moved to where I am currently living in Manassas, Virginia.

I have a lot on my mind and I want to share with the world what I know, I feel like I have something to offer everyone and I want to be the one to give it to you with no BS. So here goes, hopefully you all can keep up with me! =)


Life is very short, if you think about it we really don't have long to do what we want with it. We are born and grown into a family in which we have no choice by. We grow and learn from the decisions we make and the final outcome is determined by us, pretty sweet huh?
I believe that life is much easier than people make it out to be, I wish people would learn to just have fun with life. I understand that once you grow up you have to do grown up things and pay grown up bills, but that doesn't mean you have to bathe in your grownupness. Life is about Laughter, and Love, and Happiness.  So why is it that adults only focus on stress and negativity.
I have turned my life upside down trying to search for a manual that says "Everyone must live under stress and be unhappy because life just sucks". Uhhh, wtf? Don't get caught up in the negative aspects of your life because surely your life will become one big negative black hole and you WILL be unhappy. Surround yourself with positive things and you will become a positive person, which will in turn lead to a positive life. Who doesn't love to be happy?

"When life hits you hard, you hit back harder."