Sunday, December 25, 2011


So this is the first Christmas that I have spent not living at home with my parents. It has been a little weird and not felt like Christmas until this morning when I woke up at my parents house and my mom was making breakfast with Christmas music playing.
I absolutely love this time of year, I love the smells of warm candles, family gatherings, and tons of food. But nothing is ever actually played out like the movies, the holiday shopping is practically impossible and while there is music and laughter in the air. It's often countered by busy and frustrated shoppers, horrible parking scenarios. All in all Christmas has totally changed from what it used to be, the old fashioned movies are only a reminder of the past.
I hope you all have a blessed and happy Holidays <3


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I know that my last post was about dreams, so here is one about real life.
Real Life- Something that we go through and experience every single day, something we have no control over. Something that is similar to a game of Black Jack. We get the cards we are dealt and try to figure out what the hell to do with them.
Reality is, sometimes life sucks, sometimes life rocks. But what makes reality worth it, is the moments that seem that they could never be real, the moments that you don't expect. The split second when you turn your head and realize that "holy shit, this is actually happening to me!" Once you accept the fact that reality is everything you do and do NOT want it to be, then can you be happy and live in it.
Yeah it sounds complicated, and believe me I'm still sitting here trying to figure it out as I'm typing this blog and I probably wont have it down pat by the time I am laying in my grave, But I'm ok with that because Reality is….
"Some things are better left unsaid, unnoticed and unknown"

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Everyone as a child has dreams, of being the President, a firefighter, a famous movie star, something. Everyone dreams of having THEIR dreams come true, their perfect future. When I was younger I knew that one day my dreams would come true and I would be where I wanted in life. Today; 20 years later and I still hold that dream in my heart. There are people in this world who want nothing more than to see people fail in life because they are simply not happy with their own lives. I am not one of those people, I feel that everyone should want EVERYONE to succeed in life. I WILL succeed because my heart and soul tell me I will.
People tell me I am stupid and only wasting time waiting for my dreams to come true but I don't live in reality anymore. I have this gut feeling that good things are waiting for me and all I have to do is be patient.
Patience... Patience… Something that todays society knows nothing about. The saying that "Good things come to those who wait," is real and I will wait for my good things to come to me.

"Life is like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired- you quit when the gorilla is tired"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Gay Pride"

So I have a lot of views about the words "Gay Pride," and there is a reason as to why I put them in quotations. I feel like everyone has something that they should be proud of about themselves, whether it be winning a marathon; becoming accepted into a college, any accomplishment, a family tradition. Something that we all have an urge inside of us to let everyone know how extremely happy we are, "Gay Pride" is something that crosses the line in my OPINION.
This is JUST an opinion, not meant to persuade anyone or make people see what I do.
I feel like we all (Gays) demand equality and demand rights to marry and we just don't understand why we cannot be seen as equal to everyone else. Well here's the thing.... If you act like a fool then you will be treated as such. I do not understand the point of the gay pride festivals and parades. It shows that we do not take out sexuality seriously, it shows that we (as gay women and men) do not have the maturity it takes to maintain a normal lifestyle. WHEN IN FACT, is completely opposite from the truth. There are tons of gays who live a normal lifestyle everyday, yet we find the need to act stupidly and make our sexuality come off as a circus. I feel as if I'm automatically stereotyped into this gay, feminine and overly flamboyant way of living just because of my sexual orientation. Too many let their orientations rule their lives.
If you are naturally someone who is flamboyant then more power to you baby, but I am not someone that is defined by any part of my life and I feel that "Gay Pride," is setting us into this category in which we cannot come out of.

"Peace is hardly here, unless we ignore the hate"

Sunday, April 17, 2011


"Time is of the essence," I've always been told. Well what does that really mean?
Shit I don't know haha. But what I do know is that time is extremely precious, we all get caught up in our crazy lives. I know I do anyways, the thought that every minute.. and every second is a moment that we can NEVER get back, astounds me. Our work schedules take control of our lives, we fill every second with chronic stress, the time is given to us but yet we make ourselves miserable. Every hour, minute and second is taken for granted until we are presented with a scenario where we might not see tomorrow, which I feel like classifies us as "failing at life".
Why would you not live everyday to the fullest, I know we all hear that term everyday but how many of us actually LISTEN to it? I know that every single day I am on this earth I am truly grateful for the opportunity to feel the spring breeze against my skin, and every breath I take. If you don't appreciate every minute that you are given, how can you ever feel truly happy with yourself? Fill life with good instead of bad, trust me you will then start to appreciate time.


"If you want to work on your art, work on your art."

Monday, March 28, 2011

The concept of life,
Who decided that you needed a certification to go anywhere in life? Who decided that you had to go to college and pay a shit load of money, just to make more of it? Why is the concept of life so f****d up? No one can really answer this question because it will only lead to more questions.
I tried to understand how it makes ANY sense that someone who is the CEO of a cigarette company is making millions, while a doctor (someone who is saving lives daily). Makes enough to support himself and barely his family. I've grown up being told that life isn't fair, ok I understand that but why isn't it fair?

I see people in the city sleeping on sidewalks with cardboard signs and begging for even a penny from someone, and who drives by? Some guy driving a brand new car with name brand everything. What kind of world, or country would offer that?? Why is it that people sleep on the streets?

Greed, people that don't even look at the homeless, that don't even try to help, that drive by in their new cars are what this country has been built up on. Greed.
We always want more, the newest thing, the biggest, the best, well I'm sick and tired of people relaxing and throwing thousands away on shit that I can only dream of having money for. What's the point of having money if you aren't going to share it?? It only makes you look like a douche.

The End

" Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Life is based on being negative, and we allow ourselves to bring it into our lives. Negativity is on the news, its in the magazines, the paper, everywhere. People begin to thrive off of negative energy and end up hurting themselves, ruining their own lives with hatred and a bad outlook on life. Every day, and every second you have a decision to make. Which shirt to wear, which way to take to work, what to eat, everything has a positive and negative effect on you.
Positivity has brought me so much happiness into my life, I have learned to push away any negative energy and focus on the positive. By doing this I have pretty much made a new Kyle, the time I spend thinking about negative does not exist anymore. I used to always worry about everything, but if I just sit back, close my eyes and breath I am ok. I surround myself with positive and immediately I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.
Acting in a negative fashion is time consuming, stressful, and harmful to your body. So why would you sit there and put yourself in that scenario?
Meditate, do things you enjoy, take time to yourself, and most importantly... Surround yourself with positivity! Positive people, news, life. Embrace what is around you and I PROMISE life will become easier.

"There is only one corner in the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."

Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I have had quite a few relationships in my life and I can tell you from experience that they are a LOT of work. No relationship is easy, no matter how perfect. When two totally different people come together the explosion between them is insane. Love, Passion, Emotion, New Life. The journey in a relationship will make you feel things and move ways you have only dreamed of.
A couple comes together and has to mesh together, this doesn't always work. But when the stars are aligned and the emotions blend, the relationship works. It's not simple, but in the same sense it is. Kind of like life, the sun, wind, rain, come together to form life.
A relationship uses all the elements and combines them to create a mutual and unconditional love. One bit of advice I can offer, "Honesty is the best policy". Yeah we've all heard it before but if you can't trust your significant other then you can kiss your relationship goodbye.
Fighting is normal and it doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50, you will have arguments about anything and everything. But then again there will be long periods of time that you do not fight. Love should be unconditional, you will go through some of the most amazing times of your life in a relationship.
But remember, If it ends....
You were fine being single before the relationship, and you will be fine after.

"Assumptions are the termites of relationships"

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Such a crazy, fantastic, amazing, and complicated word. How is it that one single word can cause your life to spiral into so many different ways.
Love has no single definition, it is an individuals view that defines love. Personally I think love is like a card game, you really never know what you are going to get. Once you get your cards there are so many options on how to play them. Its the same concept with love, when you fall in love. You have this relationship deeper than anything you have felt before, and how you live and act with this person will determine what direction love takes you.
Love is also complicated, you may want to be with a person so badly its literally hurting you from the inside out, but distance, work, or family could be keeping you from them. So what do you do? Do you fight with your heart and stay with them because you LOVE them? Or do you fight with your mind and try to push yourself away?
The word LOVE itself is being thrown around with no meaning, we all know the difference between the statement "I love you" and "I luv u". Friends love each other, family love each other, and people pretend to love enemies to bring them closer.
If you really and truly LOVE someone you will know, the feeling is remarkable so don't let them go. Because when you are in love... love is in you, this world simply needs more love. =)

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is my first blog ever and I'm not entirely sure how this works.. But I DO know that I feel like writing. If you don't know me then.. Welcome to my life. I am an ordinary person with a life that is anything BUT ordinary. I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and spent most of my life there. At 15 I moved to where I am currently living in Manassas, Virginia.

I have a lot on my mind and I want to share with the world what I know, I feel like I have something to offer everyone and I want to be the one to give it to you with no BS. So here goes, hopefully you all can keep up with me! =)


Life is very short, if you think about it we really don't have long to do what we want with it. We are born and grown into a family in which we have no choice by. We grow and learn from the decisions we make and the final outcome is determined by us, pretty sweet huh?
I believe that life is much easier than people make it out to be, I wish people would learn to just have fun with life. I understand that once you grow up you have to do grown up things and pay grown up bills, but that doesn't mean you have to bathe in your grownupness. Life is about Laughter, and Love, and Happiness.  So why is it that adults only focus on stress and negativity.
I have turned my life upside down trying to search for a manual that says "Everyone must live under stress and be unhappy because life just sucks". Uhhh, wtf? Don't get caught up in the negative aspects of your life because surely your life will become one big negative black hole and you WILL be unhappy. Surround yourself with positive things and you will become a positive person, which will in turn lead to a positive life. Who doesn't love to be happy?

"When life hits you hard, you hit back harder."